Story Time…

I tend to have weird things happen to me or around me. They are things I can laugh at now, but I always look back at past experiences a wonder how they happened, why they happened, and of course it happened to me. First story I will share with you all is my “Train Guy”... Continue Reading →

Quick Self Care: Smoothie Recipe

Self-care can be through anything, just as long it is taking care of yourself. For my self-care, I start every morning with a green smoothie. As a college student, my schedule can be crazy, and I always run out of time for breakfast. I started to make smoothies, because It takes about 15 minutes to... Continue Reading →

Oxymoron and Dysphemism of the Week

It's been a crazy week, so I decided to which up my normal journal entries. Dysphemism: a derogatory or unpleasant term used instead of a pleasant or neutral one Oxymoron: a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction Can you think of other ones? Do you use dysphemism or oxymora more? Oxymoron of the Week: - Ice Cold Water - Modern Classic - Adult Children... Continue Reading →

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